jeudi 19 janvier 2012

How do you learn?

SGS tries to offer a wide range of educational programs for our members, but only a small fraction of you ever attend any of these offerings. There seems to be a core group of members who attend our classes and presentations, but the vast majority of you stay home.
My question to you is--Why? Is it because we're not offering programs of interest to you? Is the timing or location inconvenient? Do you prefer learning from books or online rather than in a lecture setting?
While we are in a transition period (our Director of Education, Cary Bright, has resigned and we are searching for a replacement), I would like to know more about why more members don't attend our educational offerings. Please take a moment to answer the brief survey in the upper righthand corner of this page, leave a comment below, or email me directly at
Oh, and BTW, this Thursday's technology presentation focuses on webinars and podcasts. You'll be amazed at the number of FREE online offerings available.

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